MIAMI (AP) — A South Florida woman got a shock when she opened a recent cell phone bill: she owed $201,000.
It was no mistake.
Celina Aarons has her two brothers on her plan. They are deaf and cannot speak, so the easiest way for them to communicate is by texting. Normally, that's not a problem. Aarons has a data plan that usually costs about $175.
But her brothers spent two weeks in Canada and Aarons never changed to an international plan. Her brothers sent over 2,000 texts and also downloaded videos, sometimes racking up $2,000 in data charges.
T-Mobile told Aarons the bill was correct. She called Miami TV station WSVN, which contacted T-Mobile. The station reports ( ) that T-Mobile cut Aarons' bill to $2,500 and gave her six months to pay.
Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011
Fla. woman shocked by $200,000 cell phone bill
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